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Orcas are damn close too but same issues

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Dolphins what

Yeah, dolphins and orcas are almost certainly two of the most intelligent species on Earth


How do we know

We’ve done experiments

as expected

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Plus they also have the second-largest brain/body mass ratio, after humans

Humans are still the most op thing here

According to the totally legitimate animal tier list, you are definitely correct

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So You watch that too :eyes:

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To be fair

Who doesn’t

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Obviously orcas aren’t as high as dolphins in brain size/body size, but they’re also damn intelligent

atretochoanas are intelligent

Humans OP. Plz nerf

Buff cats! Cats have rights as well!

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I think cats are getting a buff in the latest update

OOOO that sounds fun, I think the developer confirmed that the rumors of dragons existing are false and anyone still spreading them should stop

Technically the devs never confirmed anything (they are pretty quiet) but datamining seems to show that they don’t exist on any of the existing maps

Cats already have the best bird matchup in the game
I don’t think they need buffs