Imprison Ability is disabled at last 5 seconds of day

I’m reporting this as a bug because there is no reason for it to ever be disabled and every reason for it to be enabled. I complained about this a while back and it was fixed, but it has returned. Why? Nobody wants to be unsure about who to jail then find they can’t jail anybody because they didn’t decide before last 5 seconds of day.

Game I just played, Prince didn’t jail anyone for 2 days because he clicked too late both times.

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I guess it could Lag issues? I mean, we don’t want it being available in those seconds, people click, and nothing happens because of server lag.

No reason why it shouldn’t, correct. Reminds me of how reaper can empower during the non-voting period. Similar sort of scenario

Me thinks its coded to be like that atm

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It might be so people don’t encounter lag.

That can’t be the reason because it doesn’t help with lag. If people are lagging and click it at the last second it’s active, they will miss it no matter when the button is disabled.

It never used to be unusable like that, fairly sure it doesn’t lag the game

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Not really a bug all abilites get disabled at the last 5 seconds


it’s true but it also would make sense to exempt. IMO on a practical level, abilities that take effect that day should be subject to the rule, abilities that take place at night should be exempt. The point of the rule is to prevent people from doing things that others cannot respond to. Plenty of abilities lock in and have no real reason to be grandfathered in with that kind of rule though.