In Pursuit of a Balanced Role Madness

Hey all, this thread is all about discussing to make balanced game-modes 20+, have people roll citizens and still enjoy themselves as much as if they were a PR.

I’ll post some discussion from AA FM pre-game lobby for context to this thread:

Er, please feel free to move this thread if I’ve made it in the wrong category

I prefer unbalanced PR only where everyone has fun over some cits who are left out

You grossly misunderstand the point

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I think the post restriction on town is an idea that needs to be explored more. I think giving all T the same post restriction and have the mafia have to try and figure it out is interesting, and even just making it so all ordinary citizens also roll a post restriction would be an interesting concept

so like

I didn’t realise that it was a thing lol

Even just incorporating the idea into games that are semi-role madness ie Fates I think would work. Maybe if town post restrictions and PRs are rolled independently

So you could have PR/PR Cit/PR PR/NPR

I don’t see why we can’t have some town power roles and some roles are weaker but still interesting. Everyone has to face the fact that sometimes they will role citizen. Why can’t we have duplicates of roles like in normal ToL as well for the larger games?

I will speak a more as Host than as player.

Balanced Role Madness needs to fulfil few requirements:

  1. It has to be fun.
  2. It has to be engaging to have feeling: “Yo, I really want play more!”
  3. It has to be interesting to keep interest.
  4. It needs to be balanced. (Duh)

Citizen-type role serves sometimes to bring close the power level between Town and Evil roles. However adding just blank “Citizen” without any abilities is just a lazy move. Of course not every role should be considered as PR but at same time “Citizen” shouldn’t be just a role without any abilities or any interactions.

If you’re hosting SFM when half players are “blank” Citizens and game is mad without order and composition then from my perspective you wasted a slot.


Citizen is not that bad class but it feels unfair when people have cool abilities and you have nothing else then making scumread kinda sucks.

There was a game like this and it is finished.Maybe a new one will come soon

But don’t you love saying you are a multi tasking doctor and then getting killed and flipping as a citizen?

I mostly don’t fake claim as town tho.I want to do it but still didn’t do it

Having been a Citizen in a 50-player Role Madness game before, I can confirm that it was still the most fun I think I’ve ever had in a game.

As long as the other mechanics are there (having ITAs definitely helped), it’ll be fun.

This site’s reluctance towards Citizens is entirely misplaced, and most of the people complaining don’t have real experience as a Citizen in games other than maybe Mountainous.

I can also confirm that randing Citizen in games with ITAs basically negates the point about Citizens being boring, since when everyone’s a dayvig everyone has fun.


But citizen claims are not believable tho.That kinda sucks

Pretty sure that is also a point for mafia being able to fake citizen