In Pursuit of a Balanced Role Madness

But I became salty tho if i am only citizen

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Actually there were less Cit fakeclaims than PR fakeclaims by a lot

It can be done

And that is entirely your flaw. Don’t punish the rest of us for it.

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What would you guys think about a game on the other end of the spectrum? One where every class is an “ultra power role” that has the potential to swing the game by themselves or throw it if they missplay?

I’m gonna speak as a player since I sorta dug into Ici a bit there when I perhaps shouldn’t have.
Role madness is extremely hard to balance when you have to consider numbers of scum, event types and more.
In our discussion I said my top tips:

  1. BALANCE is more important than everyone having abilities. Vanilla citizens imo are alright and it’s even cooler if you gave them like a 1 shot ability. Or maybe make people into a backup role. E.g. Backup Doctor becomes Doctor with a weakness when regular doc dies
  2. Approx: 25% mafia, 15% Neut, 60% town (If you even include Neuts)
  3. No luck minigames - If you die in one, then it feels extremely disheartening. No matter how well you’ve done in a game, you cannot be saved when it comes down to luck
  4. Add in NPCs but have them assigned to players at the start: You control (x), it’s abilities are (y), you Pick a player to pass this to when you die
  5. Consider activity levels and player skill when RNGing, you don’t want all actives on one team or else they’ll shoot the inactives. You don’t want newbies vs experienced too as that can be awkward

actually tbh I think you should design the game so the rand is always 100% fair, but if your game is going to be BROKEN by certain players that shows the game is far too swingy and not based around one side playing better than the other.

a common move used in mashes (rolemadness games with ITAs) is to give town a Slank Vigilante who can only shoot inactives. It would be interesting to give a Third Party-style faction this ability as their second kill power as it would discourage inactivity on both sides

oh btw once you get to 30+ you NEED to give scum extra kill power, especially when dedaling with ITAs. Kill power is very hard to balance however; i’ll post notes on this after Fates.

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other notes: if you’re including these neutral roles in a game with high kill power you’re doing it wrong:

1-man Survivor (though a FACTION that needs to survive could be interesting)
Mercenary (protects paticular person)
Jester (in general)
Executioner (targets paticular person, wins if that person is lynched)
NK hunter

Hunters that have to hunt something more interesting than the Third Party faction, Neutral Evils, Serial Killers (probably in factions) or other stuff is fair game so long as you.

Case in point: SFM28. That game had a side-game with 2 3-man neutral factions who both had the goal of seeing the other dead, and if not, supporting one of the regular sides to victory.

It worked well even if the interesting subgame was over by Day 2

don’t forget never to include conversion unless you REALLY want to focus your game around it entirely
you’ll also basically HAVE to inform your players there is conversion

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You mean FoL?

Dies in event due to luck in fates
flips maf
‘Don’t add luck to events’ -PKR



Are luck events good though, Luxy? I literally was town read by pretty much everyone as mafia but died due to luck
They don’t show skill nor knowledge. So what do they add into a game?
We already have luck in the form of ITA. There’s no need to add more

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Additionally, ITAs kind of need RNG as giving everybody a daily guaranteed dayvig is broken as hell, so you can’t have ITAs without RNG. The only good thing that came from that mini-game was this line.


Regardless of what he flipped, it’s still a huge pain to die from RNG alone especially as he was town read by everyone except Orange, who got Greedo’d earlier in the day.

The entire point of forum games is fun, and it’s absolutely counter to that point for a player to suddenly die of t̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶g̶u̶e̶ RNG.


Imagine this.

Every lynch every death was RNG. That would be super boring tbh so I agree that too much of rng is bad for everyone.

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I mean you chose to join the event but that’s none of my business
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People could have easily read his hesitation towards joining the event and deduced that he was scum, though. The fact that a scum death is more costly than a town death in general makes it a more likely for townies to join the event.


Fair enough actually
And I’m definitely not saying luck events aren’t dumb either lol


What kind of events would be good

asking for a friend

The usage of multiple negatives here… disturbs me.