Welcome all my minions. We have some infiltrators among us.
Hosted by Scuttlepug
Co-hosted by techwolves.
(you still need a modcolor)
Days will be 3 IRL days long, or shorter if someone dies
Nights will be 2 IRL days long
Actions are done by messaging me
Mushroom Kingdom Infiltrators will talk through a seperate Discord chat
Boo can speak with the dead through a quicktopic chat
All classes will be used, and will be used as they are found below.
When you receive a card you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it
To accuse someone say “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]”
When someone is on Trial they will be able to post a 1000 character defense through me, during this time no-one should post, everyone will then vote Guilty, abstain or innocent via the poll
Executions end the Day
Trials pause the counter
After The Night
You will be told what happened to you
Message me your entire journal, the last draft I receive before you die shall be the one displayed
To Join
To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want
Bowser Jr
Minion Support
Minion Investigative
Random Minion
Random Minion
Random Minion
Random Minion
Random Minion
Random Minion
Random Minion / Non Killing Neutral
Random Minion / Non Killing Neutral
Non Killing Neutral
Class cap is 2
= Unique
= Convert Immune
Infiltrator Killing
Poltergust 5000 (Day) - Find out your target’s logs and class - 2 uses
Green Missile (Night) - Kill your targeted player. - Infinite uses
Your goal is to Infiltrate the Castle and rescue the Princess.
Infiltrator Special
Lay off the Spaghetti (Passive) - You will appear as a Minion to Investigative abilities.
Pass the Hat (Passive) - If you die, another infiltrator will become Mario.
Metal Cap (Day) - Make yourself night immune tonight. - 3 uses
Fire Flower (Night) - Burn your target player. - Infinite uses (can only use if there is no Luigi)
Cappy Possession (Night) - Convert someone to the Infiltrator side, can only use if you are there aren’t 3 living Infiltrators, you will lose your Lay off the Spaghetti passive if you use this - 1 use
Your goal is to Infiltrate the Castle and rescue the Princess.
Infiltrator Support
1-UP Mushroom (Night) - If specified infiltrator is attacked, heal them. - Infinite uses
BUP (Night) - Make all infiltrators appear as a Minion to investigative checks tonight. - 1 use
Your goal is to Infiltrate the Castle and rescue the Princess.
Infiltrator Offensive
Multicolored (Passive) - Occupy and redirect immune
Egg (Night) - Occupy target player - Infinite uses
Yoshi Ride (Night) - Select 2 targets, players targeting one will target the other - 3 uses
Your goal is to Infiltrate the Castle and rescue the Princess.
Minion Offensive
Suicidal (Passive) - If someone kills you, the ability which was used to perform the kill will be disabled for one night.
Over Here? (Day) - Force targeted player to target you tonight. - 3 uses.
Short Fuse (Night) - Kill targeted player, you will both die. - 1 use (cannot be used until Night 3)
Your goal is to stop the Infiltrators from saving the Princess.
Minion Social
Undead (Passive) - You can speak to the dead
Haunt (Night) - Target a player, you and them can both speak to the dead. - Infinite uses
Spook (Night) - Scare two players, causing them to target each other tonight. - 2 Uses
Your goal is to stop the Infiltrators from saving the Princess.
Bowser Jr
Minion Killing
Son of the Koopa King (Passive) - Occupy and redirect immune
Clown Car (Day) - Keep a player in your clown car tonight, they will be able to message you throughout the night and you can message them. The player you use this ability in will be unable to be visited - Infinite uses
Cannonball (Night) - Blast that player in your clown car to space, killing them. - 3 uses
Your goal is to stop the Infiltrators from saving the Princess.
Chain Chomp
Minion Offensive
Woof Woof (Passive) - Occupy and redirect immune.
Intimidate (Night) - Targeted player will be unable to leave the room tonight, occupying them - Infinite uses
Watch (Night) - Occupy any player trying to visit you, chipping through occupy immunity. - 2 uses
Your goal is to stop the Infiltrators from saving the Princess.
Dry Bones
Minion Social
Bag of Bones (Passive) - After you die, you aren’t truly dead. While dead, you can send ONE message per day in the thread. This message can only contain a “/Vote Player”. You don’t count towards majority. Once you have voted, you cannot change your vote that day.
Rattle (Night) - Force a player to target you. If you are killed by the person you target this with, they will be unable to vote the following day. - 3 uses.
Credit to @Marluxion
Minion Support
Spike Top (Day) - You will be death immune tonight. - 2 uses
Knowledge of Stomping (Night) - Heal target player from attacks or fire.
Your goal is to stop the Infiltrators from saving the Princess.
Hammer Bro
Minion Killing
Reforge (Day) - Reforge your hammer, making everyone unable to visit you tonight as players cannot see through the sparks - 3 uses.
Hammer Toss (Night) - Kill targeted player, if they are a minion. You will die instead - Infinite uses (cannot use until Night 3)
Your goal is to stop the Infiltrators from saving the Princess.
Koopa Troopa
Minion Social
Troop Talk (Passive) - You can talk with any other Koopa Troopas in the game at night.
Shell Megaphone (Night) - Send a message in the morning. - 4 uses
Negative (Night) - Negate the votes of a player. - Infinite uses
Your goal is to stop the Infiltrators from saving the Princess.
Mr. I
Minion Investigative
Gaze (Night) - Get 2 classtypes, one that the player is and one that the player is not. Pairings are Killer/Offensive, Support/Social and Investigative/Special
Stare (Night) - Determine if a player is an Infiltrator or not - Infinite uses
Your goal is to stop the Infiltrators from saving the Princess.
Minion Support
Safety (Night) - Carry someone away from conversion or occupation. You will be notified if you blocked anything - Infinite uses
Me (Night) - Carry yourself to safety, you will be notified if anything bad were to happen to you. This will also save you from death. - 2 uses
Your goal is to stop the Infiltrators from saving the Princess.
Piranha Plant
Minion Killing
Pipes Outside (Night) - Stay outside of someone’s house tonight. It will kill any attackers that attempt to attack them (not bypassing immunity) - Infinite uses (cannot target self)
Venus Fire Trap (Night) - Attack target player, they will be set on fire and die in 1 night unless healed. Cannot use until Night 3. - 2 uses
Your goal is to stop the Infiltrators from saving the Princess.
Minion Investigative
Bandybug (Passive) - Your visits do not show to other players.
Hang (Night) - Hang on the ceiling of someone’s room. You will see who the visits them. - Infinite uses
Jamboree (Night) - See targeted player’s faction. - 2 uses
Your goal is to stop the Infiltrators from saving the Princess.
Neutral Social
Insane (Passive) - You are occupy and night immune.
Even More Insane (Passive) - If you win or both of your targets are dead. Your abilities will be disabled.
Fink Rats (Night) - Frame one of your targets making them appear as an Infiltrator tonight. - 2 uses
Your goal is to get one of your targets executed. Your targets are [X] and [Y]
Neutral Support
Expansion (Passive) - You are occupy immune
This Tie has Style (Passive) - Your tie makes you immune to flatulence.
Bongo Drums (Day) - Make yourself night immune tonight - 3 uses
Banana (Night) - Heal target player from attacks or fire. - Infinite uses
Banana Slamma (Night) - Kill target player - 2 uses
Your goal is to survive
Professor E. Gadd
Neutral Investigative
Scientific Armor (Passive) - Immune to death at night once.
Spooky Trio (Passive) - When you spawn into the game, three ghosts will begin roaming the castle at night. At the start of each day, you will be notified of the amount of ghosts you have collected, and the amount of ghosts still roaming the halls of the castle. While a ghost is in a players’ room, investigation results on that player will be warped.
Strobulb (Night) - Investigate if there is a ghost in the player’s room. - Infinite uses
Poltergust 7000 (Night) - Capture the ghosts in the player’s room, occupying them. If they vote the next day, they will die. - 4 uses
Your goal is to capture all the ghosts in the castle. There are 3 ghosts in the castle (Boo does not count somehow…)
Credit to @Whammerist for the rework.
Neutral Support
Starstruck (Passive) - You are immune to death, but If all of your targets die you will leave the mushroom kingdom that night. (Die.)
Luma Shield (Night) - Send your Luma to protect one of your targets. Players will be prevented from visiting them. Each player can only be Luma shielded twice per game.
You must keep at least one of [playerA] , [playerB] and [playerC] alive until the end of the game.
Credit to @Marluxion
Shadow Mario
Neutral Offensive
Disguise (Passive) - Immune to Occupation. Immune to death once.
Paint (Day) - Cover a target’s room with paint, occupying them tonight. - Unlimited Uses
Yoink! (Night) - Target a player. Tonight, if they use a night ability, you will steal it from them. You keep this ability as an extra ability. The player will be unable to use the stolen ability while you are alive. - 3 uses
Your objective is to cover all living player’s rooms with paint.
Credit to @Marluxion
Neutral Killer
Wah (Passive) - You are night immune, occupy and redirect immune.
Waah (Day) - Your Noodle String ability will bypass night immunity tonight - 3 uses
Walurambo (Day) - Edit a player’s logs and class that show up on their death - 3 uses
Noodle String (Night) - Force a player to kill another. - Infinite uses
Wah Are You (Night) - Determine a player’s class. - 3 uses
Your goal is to kill the Infiltrators and the Minions to gain all the riches in the castle to yourself.
Neutral Killer
Rich (Passive) - You are night immune, occupy and redirect immune.
Vanish Cap (Day) - Hide your visits tonight - 3 uses
Flatulence (Day) - Pass gass onto another player, poisoning them. The next night, they will poison everyone who visits them, and the following day, all poisoned targets will be notified. The poison will kill in 3 nights if not healed. - 2 uses
Shoulderbash (Night) - Kill target player bypassing heals - Infinite uses
Doh I Missed (Night) - Redirect a player to another player. - 2 uses
Your goal is to kill the Infiltrators and the Minions to gain all the riches in the castle to yourself.
Credit to @Whammerist for the rework.
Converts are a secret to all of us
bold means that the player has confirmed
Living Players:
- Spike17z
- PiranhaPlantKidRyan
- Fireflower
- Simon the Scuttlebug
- CaptainToadbins
- Thwomp1ight
- Bobomb110
Spectators: Livicus, Shurian the Durian
The Koopalings because there are too many of them - Died in the Minus World
Whammerist - Chain Chomp - Died Night 1
MaximusPrime - Paratroopa - Executed Day 2
Marluxion - Scuttlebug - Modkilled Day 3 because of Co-Host Slip
NuclearBurrito - Wario - Executed Day 3
Frostwolf103 - Bob-omb - Died Night 3
MtheJoker - Yoshi - Executed Day 4
Wolfy - Luigi - Died Night 4
Lymphoma - Scuttlebug - Died Night 4
Celeste_Ludenberg - Mr I. - Executed Day 5
CheesyKnives - Mario - Executed Day 6