[Insert dumb Australian Question here]

A drop bear is a hoax in Australian folklore featuring a predatory, carnivorous version of the koala designed to scare tourists. So no.

Same as living anywhere else on Earth, because the magnetic poles are switched and therefore there’s no difference.

Superglue. Surprisingly effective.

Please don’t mention the Emu war. Basically the birds were destroying crops and were to be culled, except… well… the birds ‘won’.

Poking sticks are apart of an American pastime. We don’t require long sticks.

Hell no. The world is a computer simulation.

Dont make things up.

Wombats are nocturnal animals that are generally harmless unless baited. Not a threat. They’re cute, but cannot be Domesticated.

It’s Auorora Australis in the South Pole, and looks like the Northern hemisphere lights but mirrored.

What the hell? Stop making stuff up! No such things!

Hares aren’t traditionally eaten in Australia, no. Hares aren’t Seen as major pests.

Hell yes.

We do not talk about the emu war.

It’s Aurora Australis in the south Pole. Mirrors Borealis, and happens at the same time.


Can you stop covering up for the government. They paid you to say this


Another paid thing you said

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Something the government doesn’t know I think good

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:innocent: trust me, you don’t wanna take that road, son.

My life has been a lie

That’s in Australia. Still, they destroy crops, so they aren’t allowed on a farm obviously. And they can’t be straight up adopted, but still. They’re safe.

Sinecesito that’s on the matter as well, the south hemisphere also don’t have the northern star or the ursus constellation, but the southern cross instead.

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well, yes…

Anyway I gtg, so ill answer the load of questions tomorrow. Ta!

How much money did the government pay you?

Did you guys seriously think we’d fall for Kangaroos existing?


Hundred Grand.

Kangaroos do exist.

:roll_eyes: you are really committed to keeping that money aren’t you

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How many wallaby fight clubs are there in Australia?

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Why is McDonalds called Macca’s? Was there already a McDonalds in existence before the fast food chain came to the land down under?

ooo what are wallaby

“Summarising the culls, ornithologist Dominic Serventy commented:

The machine-gunners’ dreams of point blank fire into serried masses of Emus were soon dissipated. The Emu command had evidently ordered guerrilla tactics, and its unwieldy army soon split up into innumerable small units that made use of the military equipment uneconomic. A crestfallen field force therefore withdrew from the combat area after about a month”

no joke the emu’s are smarter then humans