[Insert dumb Australian Question here]

I’ll try answering all questions. Please don’t say the following;
Do you eat Kangaroo meat? no they’re wild animals
I love koalas! they aren’t cuddly.

Is it true that dropbears are super dangerous in Australia?


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What’s it like to live upside down?

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What sticky stuff do you put on your shoes to stop you falling into space?

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Did u guys really lose a war to emus?


How sharp do you have to keep your poking sticks in order for them to be effective?

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Do you guys actually exist?

Or is this flag just a figment of our imagination?

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We know about the threat of drop bears, but what about jump bears?

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magnus immediately regretted posting this

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What about hoop snakes?

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I heard they were dangerous as well

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And wombats

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Who won in the Kangaroo Kickboxing Championships of 1993?

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How common is hare meat?

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Is it true that if you punch an Australian, they throw you to the other side of the globe in retaliation?


How does it feels like losing to a bunch of emu in the war?

In the south pole it is aurora australis (don’t know the exact translation) instead of borealis


Err. Okay, I’ll try answering questions.

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