[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

if you dont join me, i wont be mad
just disappointed

The Dat of the Bird join us, we dont have anything to offer


@discobot roll 1d20

(+3 modifier)

Jokes on you
I was already going to modkill

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:game_die: 13

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other than a good time if ya know what i mean



Rupert will do no funny business (unless hes really drunk)

Ragna is too stupid for love kek

Which side is golden deer that’s my current play through

fun fact: the first name of my character isnt marcus

Also fyi, my characters name ended up being Rupert Baldhammer

gtg guys, gonna go to the wedding etc

dunno how much i can talk today

cyas uwu

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That last name radiate big dwarf energy

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Through an incredible feat of bullshit, you yoinked the digital text denoting the last slot of team 1 out of the device you are currently using, avoiding any burns.
Also you joined

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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Me too thanks


@Geyde display help

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…If you weren’t gonna do it, I was.