[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

Oh no

In case things go south take screencaps of your cs

I dont want to doxx anyone but did someone request twice once with a email with 10 and once with a email with 14

It’s not much, so like idc

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I’m just gonna remove them and make a new link

Sog can u test this link for me

Does it allow u to view or edit the page

Allows me to view it

Ok, good so if I change the one setting it updates it all. So now it’s on comment then

I created one when I was 10 and the other when I was 14

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funny story i kinda got lost but not really and now im at my other relatives apartment and my phone is low on battery and i got to wait for my mom to fi ish watching a movie and ill tell you guys about it once i get access to my laptop(probs around 1 hr from now) cause im basically locked out


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Druid in reality knew you were too weak to leave on your own and waited until someone with enough HP appeared

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Oh ok, just was like confused. You ain’t no bot right?


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insert he is speaking the language of the gods meme bc on mobile

Thanks I really couldn’t figure that one out

:robot: beep boop

boop beep

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