[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

They’re both good - depends on what your team has

oh boy time to finally work on my backstory yeet

@discobot roll 2d10

:game_die: 10, 7

@mercenary wanna add this link?


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@discobot roll 2d4

:game_die: 2, 2

what are you rolling for

I can see that it varies by levels of fluence but it is good in general

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ye, i feel like the whole hollywood trope of super thick accents is kinda overdone anyway and kinda unrealistic

honestly im fully prepared for my spell comp to be trash, but its fine.
Light, Prestidigitation, shocking grasp, true strike
Level 1 spells:
Shield, magic missile, disguise self

debating mage hand over light

@Geyde we link cs in here correct?

Pm to me

height and weight

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pls tell me ur above 5’6" lol

Im thinking background wise my character is unbeknownst to them that they are in a cult acting as a religion of some sorts. The cults trying to contact some blood god, down below the church they own, and up above in the church they are trying to convince locals to donate to the church of some god they made up. When my character joined they actually heard from this fake god that they made up, and became a figurehead for the church, this brought much more money into the cult that kept my character around, as they tried making me contact other gods, like their little messenger, but its all fake gods and occasionally their blood god sold off as something else like a god of fertile grounds.


@roze what exactly do u need help with again?

also don’t be afraid to ask questions here, some of these guys are far more experienced than i am

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