[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

tiny berry that’s full of nutrients and makes you full for an entire day :slight_smile:

Did u buy euipment or take the starting stuff? cause i didnt know this but ur supposed to buy your stuff and not take the normal stuff for this campaign

Wait what

Do I intend to tpk the party?

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Well back to my cs I go

Theres only the problem that I couldnt find bard instruments in the part where item prices are listed

https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Tools#content got ya

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good Im watching you though :eyes:

Wow look at this team 2 member still not done their sheet :stuck_out_tongue:

How the tables have turned


@discobot roll 5d4

:game_die: 2, 3, 2, 2, 4

what does versatile (1d10) mean? was shopping for weapons and saw that on the battleaxe

So the lower damage thats not next to versitile is if u use it one handed, but if you use both ur hands on the weapon you get the larger damage dice instead

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also just to make sure, when it says 5d4 x 10 does it mean you add together what the dice rolled and multiply it by 10?

yup so u got 130 gold

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Gnome Wizard

“Hey, carry all this shit”

(The only thing I’ll be carrying is all of y’all through the encounters)

gnome wizard stonk

i hope you put all your points into strength cause you’re gonna need it

you summon demons only to beat them to death


I think I made Charisma my dump stat

Otherwise, all of my other stats are 14+