[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

I picked a class, not sure what you mean by seen a class

you mean i picked it for you xD

Yes I made max pick it for me

y r u so lazy is it bc you didnā€™t like the splash art -_-

bad max go pick your own class Roze

feel free to lock at mine for what I did for my traits tab

which one did he pick?

Nooo, let max do all my work :((

well, i think i did a pretty good job all things considered

monk is easy for new players, no spells to keep track of, and she seemed fine with the splash art in the end

This is my sheet btw

i picked wood elf monk bc she chose elf and i didnā€™t want her to be a magic user cause that shit would definitely turn her away for her first game

Every character looks ugly

no they donā€™t merc also posted a bunch of race pics that u might like

some do but not all

It is just one cantrip Maxi.

whyd u buy a costume? Background free item? or are u gonna do something with it?

yeah but imagine if she played wizard

weā€™d have too many casters i feel like and damn she wouldnā€™t want to learn that stuff

My clothing is so heavy and exquisite it can be considered a costume for weight/price purposes rather than normal clothes lol

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Fucking AAAAAA

I hate doing backstories, Iā€™m thick

use Xanatharā€™s thingy

backstories are fun, itā€™s jsut writing them down to make them sound good instead of bullet points is hard