[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign


Geyde would you care if my bg forced you to read about a lot of places


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Here is the world map btw, if you search anything on ā€œforgotten realms mapā€ it will just show the Sword Coast probably


I am going to get to fleshing stuff out tonight.

Engrish activated

I donā€™t think I can do this sorry :frowning:
/Spectate (will try to in)

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Thatā€™s totally fine
No worries

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It is quite wrong/homebrewed tho, it is lacking Laerakond and Aeonus doesnā€™t exist

Itā€™s not even loading for me since mobile so Iā€™ll take your word for it

Or maybe Laerakond doesnā€™t exists anymore because no maps contain it
Aeonus exists, just isnā€™t named

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This one is more reliable and there is also a bigger version ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NHHu8erw_J66t4B1tUgUsZ9VmS748ZUs/view )

Also guys one important part is to divide roles but you know what fuck that I have a +0 CON mage who just worked very fine as a DPS tank last session on another group


My CS f someone wants to see me doing live character :tm:

@discobot roll 1d10

:game_die: 10

@discobot roll 3d100

:game_die: 18, 50, 72

taking time and valuing your mental health? never heard of it

/in, expect CS in 1-2 weeks as im swamped irl currently



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That works with the planned schedule

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Brainstormed a bit, I think ill go with a dwarf bard with a lot of strength as well