[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

Will gladly do this, being my 1st proper cs and all

whatā€™s cd?

@DISCOBOT roll 5d4

:game_die: 4, 3, 4, 1, 1

Woops fuck meant cs

how does this work?

Geyde posted a link to the player handbook, its explained there on like page 12 or 13

is it in the op? on mobile rn with no vpn

also >page 12 or 13
oh boy time to do a lot of reading


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Iā€™m starting the game foodless, backpackless, and almost on my encumberance.
or maybe I sell my rapier for 25gp so I can at least EAT.

How I possible would it be to get my character a lute where the inside is made of steel. If I bought it like a normal weapon

bards be overrated

not saying theyā€™re not good, just overrated

ok so whoā€™s joining? ill join if you donā€™t have 5 already

the handbook has 293 pages holy fuck


ā€œYou donā€™t have to memorize every little detailā€

thank fuck

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alright I have sold my POWERFUL RAPIER :cry: so I can function as a human being
I have a tent for two persons if any of you donā€™t want to spend money on that


nothing can go wrong with that statement

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Iā€™m also an elf


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Oh hey ill be a dwarf, what could go wrong

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God you will hate me DOUBLE

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