[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

Actually just northwest. Not EXTREME northwest.


Illuskans made up the bulk of the population in the following areas:

Apparently that is the area for Illuskans, but from the extreme northwest would be Tuern and the cold mountains I believe?


I just need to find a location up there where I could buy a camal and we will be good

Whatā€™s a camal?

A camel i just cant speak u know, college student who knows 1 language, and knows it terribly

my boi


Types of CamelsEditar

Desert CamelEditar

Desert camels, or dromedaries, were one-humped camels.[2][3] They were bred for long legs and big humps. Because of this, they were perfect for traveling across the harsh deserts. These slow but persistent animals were always ready to carry a huge load, making them ideal for merchants and travelers alike.[4]

Mountain CamelEditar

Mountain camels had two humps and were shorter and slower but were adapted for rocky, hilly, or mountainous terrain.[2][3] They made poor desert mounts.[4]

War CamelEditar

These camels were dromedaries specially trained for war. They bit the enemy and could inflict damage with their hooves. They could carry a mounted fighter into combat.[2][3] Battle camels were selected from the most powerful livestock and trained for several years. Typically, these camels were stronger and much more courageous than their desert counterparts.[4]

Racing CamelEditar

Racing camels were trained for speed and not for travel.[4] They were typically the most beautiful of all the camels. Because they received little attention,[ citation needed ] they were sometimes very aggressive and even spit in the presence of their owner. They had small hooves and long legs, allowing them to run faster than normal camels.[4]

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so basically there are their equivalents to horse/racing horse/war horse andā€¦ camel.

Mounts and Other Animals Animal Cost Speed Capacity
Camel 50 gp 50 ft. 480 lb.
Donkey or mule 8 gp 40 ft. 420 lb.
Elephant 200 gp 40 ft. 1,320 lb.
Horse, draft 50 gp 40 ft. 540 lb.
Horse, riding 75 gp 60 ft. 480 lb.
Mastiff 25 gp 40 ft. 195 lb.
Pony 30 gp 40 ft. 225 lb.
Warhorse 400 gp 60 ft. 540 lb.

It is 50 gp, would you have the money? @DatBird

btw even if in the game mechanics you canā€™t ride ponys I would say you can
because otherwise it is completly SENSELESS for a donkey, who have the same speed, CR, and carry more, to be 8 gp whilst a pony is 30 gp
oh wait ponies can have babies yeah thatā€™s a reason for them to be more expensive

@BlueStorm do you have anything planned for your trinket?

Yeah I went for the styling camel plus pack saddle cause why not. I had like 70 gold left and was like I need a mule

how did you had 70 gold left

I rolled 130 starting gold

Bought two sickles which were 1 or 2 gp each. Component puch for 25. Dungeoneering pack which was like 15 or higher and a staff focus for like 10. Then I had the rest to spend on a camel

You didnā€™t buy armour?

Also leather armor