[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

I’m on mobile atm so dont have the full list

i went with standard gear


  • Point Buy OR Roll. I want to see the rolling.
  • Encumbrance
  • Roll for Gold

You can’t


I’m convinced that classes without medium armor start with way too much gold

Yeah I agree I was like wtf do I spend this on, and bought a camel

I had to count each coin to be able to get everything I have


Alright I was quite expensivey here on the three emblems but that’s the price you pay for cool flavor :’)

But other than that I just have the basics (clothes food n shit) and a mule to carry my things as I almost get encumbered only by the weight of my armour and weapons.

I should prob buy animal feed

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send me link of char sheet again

I think I’m wasting almost all my remaining money to get ink + ink pen + parchment to be an intellectual

wait I don’t have 8 gp I have 8 cp

yeah the currency order is messed up by default in the cs

I fixed it by myself

8 CP
2 SP
1 GP
2 Moon
- EP
- PP

“moon” is the coin minted at Silverymoon :’)

EP is before GP i believe.

assuming its ascending in value


I removed EP because there isn’t really a reason to be there, it is a regional coin to some place

also i honestly dont know what i would add to my current set of equipment. im not sure how much i can afford to be encumbered rn and im literally at the weight limit before i become encumbered.
so basically rolling at this point is just adding gold to my starting equipment :man_shrugging:

You can’t pick the starting equipment, dummie