[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign


Oh this is cool.
On your device, search thanos. click the gauntlet


look it up

mr google, i don’t feel so food

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I see anime girls.

look for the one made by sangled. It’s the one i used

For your pfp?

ita vero

Soon after, James arrived at the mansion along with Jessie, Team Rocket, and his sick Chimecho. Nanny and Pop-Pop were delighted to see James, but he worried that they would be disappointed in him if they found out he is a member of Team Rocket. As a cover story, he lied to them and convinced Jessie, Meowth and Ash’s group to help him keep the secret. Jessie and Meowth pretend to be his secretary and manager, respectively, to explain why Meowth talks. James also pretends to be the president of a company, with their Team Rocket uniforms as the company’s uniform.

James managed to keep the fact of his membership in Team Rocket hidden (despite Jessie and Meowth’s attempts to steal food and Pokémon) from Nanny and Pop-Pop until the Mime Jr. they were taking care of let himself be caught by James. Nanny and Pop-Pop explained that it chose to do so because it thought James is a kind person. Hearing this, James decided to come clean and tell them the truth. They were not disappointed in him, however, saying that even though he was in an evil organization, James himself was still a kind person and were glad he had good friends.


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begone demon

go james I’ll go Chimecho


google wizard of oz.
ruby slippers > tornado

I found that last night.


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You encountered Pikachu!
