[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

ill be jessie

(Be the host of this battle)

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(I’ll do it)

i’m working on a special project which i’ll put up signups for in an undetermined amount of time

[geyde walks back in the thread]


  • Pikachu and Chimecho stared at eachother before the battle.
    @discobot roll 1d2
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:game_die: 1

  • Chimecho got first turn!

(What project?)

i’ll give a teaser


  • Chimecho uses Double-Edge!

You got level42!!?

so you’re working with orange to make it? :upside_down_face:

I mean James Chimecho didn’t even battle so why can’t we break two rules

Hey gamers

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True. I’ll just use Volt Tackle you know.

Pokemon do not exist in this campaign

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