[Interest Check] i42 Forums Community Play by Post Pathfinder Campaign

fuck yes

what’s the average HP of a peasant :eyes:

btw I’m taking Detect Magic so folk don’t pick it or it will be redundant

wait it’s not official

list of doubts so far:

  • where do I put my level in the sheet
  • do I roll for starting HP?
  • what’s the average HP of a peasant :eyes:
  • where do I put my class bonus for class skills
  • what does it means for a skill to be a class skill
  • " Skill Ranks per Level" also count at level 1, so would I have 6+int skill ranks rn?

Slow/Medium/Fast experience gain

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heckin old

Adulthood is 60 years for Sylphs

Fun note
I auto become a Eldritch Knight on level 6


can I poke at you to see if you are material


Hmm yes, I tried to poke a floating ethereal thing

But really tho it feels fun

lmk if i missed anything

You doubled up on class skills
It’s just +3 once

I am material

kill me

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 2