[Interest Check] i42 Forums Community Play by Post Pathfinder Campaign

this heavily influences my class decision maxwell

let me clarify

i prefer voice for campaigns and voice would require discord. But I donā€™t mind play by post and for that I have no preference between forums and discord and would let the players choose

damnit kai my classic charachter is a half-elf bard who has a thing for the DM but i guess i have to make a new one because it was kinda an inside joke that wouldnā€™t have the sameā€¦ comedic effect here.

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Oh also for my campaigns I allow most 3rd party stuff so long as it is officially published
So feel free to make whatever

im not buying a fucking voice changer to hide my shitty voice so yea PBP it is


also no one wants to hear my shitty half texas accent so yeah,


I like DnD type of games but I know I can get busy with Discord RPs and my college classes :^)

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then i have no preference between forums and discord for PbP

i should note that iā€™ll probably be doing an adventure path since i suck at homebrew

So players can choose the one we do


actually thinking i might do a necromancer


there are 24 you can choose from for 1e or the one that is out for 2e

i dont really like RPā€™s that donā€™t include dice rolls, so fair

can we do Hellā€™s Rebels

i mean im down, but it would be a plurality vote between the players

im like a kid in the candy store rn soz

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Im coming up with really stupid but workable pairings and backstories

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