[Interest Check] i42 Forums Community Play by Post Pathfinder Campaign

well…almost nothing

Just dm ur character sheets when they are done. U got til the 19th

  • Variant with x per pound
  • Fuck encumbrance
  • Irl encumbrance. Gotta send pic of heaviest thing u can lift

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Also any homebrew stuff send when picked cause I need to approve. Like as long as it ain’t game breaking u should get the green light

I’m fine with encumbrance as long as it isn’t overly constricting
I like it from a “players can’t drop 1000 [x] on something perspective”

Like 7-9 lbs per strength might work

Mix between strength and con and it should be fine

8 lbs per (str+con)/2 rounded down

Think that works well

I have an entirely hypothetical question

Are you using the same formula for Tiny creatures or are you doing the ‘divide by an extra 2 if Tiny’ thing

okay the part about this being hypothetical might have been a lie

We could do /3 instead. Idrc. Usually I’m fuck encumbrance

so there’s a very specific Warlock build you can do in 5e once you hit third level to which the answer to this question is very important

it is also a very silly build so probably I won’t actually try to do this but

Ooh what do u do

Also should we move this to new thread?

So basically:

> be a Gnome or Halfling
> go for the absolute minimum weight allowed by the height and weight table (37 pounds)
> be a Warlock
> get to third level
> take Pact of the Chain
> pick a Pseudodragon or Imp as your familiar
> under Standard 5e Rules :tm: they have a carrying capacity of Strength*15/2 (the /2 is due to being tiny)
> 6 times 15 over 2 = 45
> also they can fly
> you now have a flying speed of like 60 feet as a third level character

using DatBird Encumbrance this is instead 8*(6+13)/2/x where x may or may not be 2, if it’s exactly 2 then this very technically works but runs into issues with, like, clothes being a thing

Naked flying gnome

i cant lift i have noodel arms ree

I have a question

If we go with the IRL encumberence option does that mean that any hypothetical familiars we might hypothetically have would share our IRL capacity to lift objects?

U get the closest person next to you at the time to lift the heaviest thing they can

I’m pretty sure my entire family is stronger than me, including my 16-year-old sister

be right back time to find out how much my sister can lift at once

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Arete comes from a family of body builders and their cat familiar can carry 300lbs