[Interest Check] i42 Forums Community Play by Post Pathfinder Campaign

i was so hype for pathfinder

Oof. I can try to learn it but it will take longer

do you know 3.5e

No unfortunately I have only got 5e on my skillset

what’s the setting

I think sword coasts

I do know it well enough now that I could probably teach it with some level of effectiveness

sword coast is for boring people
level of tech?

Um not sure what u mean. Enough fantasy tech that u can have guns and magicly enchanted guns, but not sci fi.

Biggest difference between pathfinder and 5e is that advantage/disadvantage doesn’t exist traditionally

Otherwise, skill system is heavily fleshed out and the amount of ‘stuff’ everyone has is increased by a shitton

It’s not structurally different from 5e in most ways beyond minor differences

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if need be i can run a campaign i have prepped

Do u have a module in mind?

do you think i would use a fucking module

Well I was just gonna use one to get u guys a dm fast, but if u dont want one. I had a fun wild west idea

Kai no swearing in my Christian forum

suck my dick

no u

If u want that can work. I wouldnt mind playing then. Up to you and the rest

time and place?