Interest Check: Life of the Party

it was a happy experience for me

not for you tho because you failed to do the math


How was I supposed to calculate myself getting poisoned ):<


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@Hippolytus did you really flag my post lmaoo


more interestingly it actually got hidden by mods

insert ā€œtHiS iS LiTeRaLlY 1984ā€

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nah it gets auto-hidden for 10 minutes in which I can unhide it but if I get flagged again I can risk an auto-ban or somethin

it would be a shame if someone flagged this post you have here

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thanks mods
love you


Why is this flagging system like this.

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Nah wasnā€™t me was probbalg arctic

yeah i was mad that you stole that joke bc i wanted to say it

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What if :flushed:

I flagged two of your posts

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Then Iā€™ll flag the entire flagging system itself

Seem cool, might

looks cool, Iā€™d be interested in playing!

btw Eli is now also helping make it.

Sounds like a pain for you to host, but the conceptā€™s amazing.