[Interest Check] [Misc] [Discussion Thread] BotF IV Interest Check & Discussion Thread V2


No idea, let’s leave the Blood nerds to their balance discussion.

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then it’s not a Townsfolk

Then make it an outsider, duh

Luxy: causes the storyteller to be drunk while moderating

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Rename this to me

Tbh luxy’s utility to town sucks

No we already decide thats me

It’s more of an outsider than a townsfolk
I’m replacing it with Cannibal

We want it changed, N.1 hasnt changed it yet

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Gandalf fits me more cuz I’ve seen him irl you haven’t

Im watching LOTR ROTK right now

Someone help me rename cannibal pls
Luxy was scrapped since it’s ultimately a terrible idea for a townsfolk

I’m pretty sure it was a townsfolk because it had the ability to kick the demon to the curb in the first place

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I am literally sitting next to him




Bone colle–