[Interest Check] [Misc] [Discussion Thread] BotF IV Interest Check & Discussion Thread V2

other things to try to explain this to an FM player:

  1. For endgame conditions, only the flagbearer matters. Town wins by executing the flagbearer. Scum wins if the flagbearer is alive in the final 2.

  2. You can whisper other people during the day.

  3. Information can be unrelable. The game is the opposite of FoL in the sense that if you try to solve the game only mechanically, town will lose every time. Social reads should be the priority.

and yes, the game is bastard, because anytime the word ā€œmayā€, ā€œmightā€, or ā€œstorytellerā€ is used in an ability, the host chooses what happens.

technically scum can also win in other ways depending on certain classes

yes, that is true. some classes specify alternate endgame conditions

Flipless game where the dead can speak and have the power to vote someone for execution exactly once
Majority is half and does not immediately end the day, there is no plurality. The game immediately ends if a specific evil known as the Demon is killed, and evils win if the living player count ever dips to 2 players. In the event of a draw, good will win 100% of the time. There are 3 different editions with different role lists, although there are more in the making. Trouble Brewing is for newer players. BMR is for quicker games with its high kill power. Sects and Violets gives town an absurd amount of information, but makes it completely untrustable
dying gasp

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Like vortox iirc makes scum win if thereā€™s a no lynch?



also if one player loses their entire team loses with them, no exceptions
same with winning


Aka: just listen to Italy, heā€™s the expert :wink:

also also if thereā€™s a tie there wonā€™t be a rand, it just defaults to nolynch

Should we listen to Italy though if knight is possible

yes I saw botc knight

Klutz makes evil win if he chooses an evil person when he dies
Mastermind makes evil win if a good person is lynched the day after the demon is lynched
Saint makes evil win if they die by execution

also also also the rolecards are extremely fucking specific
if it says execution it means execution
not nightkill, not exile

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Time for you to roll knight

Time to change Italys title again to Community Knight

I just realized that the rename to Italy was knight

also also also also RNG is not a thing
if something leaves something up to chance, that means itā€™s up to the storyteller on what happens

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In this setup:
Eevee makes evil win if heā€™s guessed publicly by the demon
Orangeandblack5 makes evil win if heā€™s executed if he openclaims after being nominated but before any votes are submitted