[Interest Check] [Misc] [Discussion Thread] BotF IV Interest Check & Discussion Thread V2

You can be the class currently known as astromancer actually, I guess
since “astro” should not be there as that’s a part of the original class name that we’re trying to get rid of

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make astromancer kape


kape doesn’t play FM

eh but it fits more

Kape hosted an NFoL if you remember, and played a few matches fol and fm

and he carried me in FoL 23

Also everyone is named after players here except aristocrat :eyes:

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Yes true. They also carried me to a W in FoL 23 (which you hosted)

and the demons and scarlet woman

Ok it fits better than Nuclear. Kape gets it

italy has never storytold a game but is a master in storyteller fuckery

Oh wait aristocrat

Instead your name has been delegated to knight

Sure @NuclearBurrito can be that

14 spies in a TB game, 2 recluses
13 spies register as good, one recluse registers as demon and one registers as second minion

“only a few”
Yeah right

I mean, every game with less than 3-5 mechanics per class is few for me :wink:

Virtuous had around 7 per class