[Interest Check] [SFM] Insurgency -- Treason in Jugdral: Fire Emblem 4 & 5 FM

Hey everyone,

@DatBird and I are trying to gauge how many people would be interested in playing our closed SFM. If you would play the game, please let us know in a reply to this post, because we need to know how many people to balance it for. The game will go into review within a couple weeks, and I’d like to have an accurate interest gauge here within the next week or so.

Some public information which we have already decided on is as follows:

  1. Just like LotR FM, flavour talk will be fully banned, because just like there, flavour in this game will be 100% AI.
  2. There will be a descendent phase around halfway through the game, where at that point, everyone who is alive’s character will change to a child or a similar character from FE 5, who will have similar, but not identical abilities. There will only be one descendent phase instead of two (I originally claimed two), because we found two decendent phases would be too hard to figure out.
  3. There will be ITA’s in play as well as lots of other fun mechanics.
  4. The setup is fully closed.
  5. In determining combat chances, when it comes to ITA’s as well as other things, the following priority elements will be in play:
    a. The Weapon Triangle: Swords > Axes, Axes > Lances, Lances > Swords
    b. The Trinity of Magic: Light > Dark, Dark > Anima, Anima > Light
    c. The Triage of Anima: Wind > Thunder, Thunder > Fire, Fire > Wind
    d. Bows are super effective against flying units, and magic is super effective against heavily armored units.
    e. Some weapons / tomes may have descriptors that make them especially powerful against something in particular.
    f. Weapons / Tomes that both reverse one or multiple of these triangles and amplify the bonus might exist, but if so, they will be very rare.
  6. Speed will be a stat that exists for everyone that will be used with some skills among other things. Mounted characters will start with a higher base speed than normal, so that horseback / pegasusback / wyvernback characters have some sort of advantage because they have a mount.
  7. Every character will have a unique Legendary Weapon or Artifact that they will be able to unlock in some way during the game. No one will know the conditions for unlocking their own legendary item, but they all will exist.
  8. There will not be any conversions.
  9. Staves for healing purposes may exist but they would probably have limited uses.
  10. Dancer characters might exist that could enable another player to act twice.
  11. Skills will be in play. For anyone who has played any of the newer Fire Emblem games, you should be familiar with skills. Skills originated in FE4. There will be lots of skills that do lots of different things.
  12. All character art used in this game will not be from the base games, Fire Emblem Heroes, or anywhere else, but rather from the art from the Japanese Fire Emblem Cipher cards, which Dat and I agree is unequivocally the prettiest.
  13. Money and shops will exist. They will be important.
  14. Events such as arenas (which could cause optional ITA duels that would continue until one of the two hits; wouldn’t kill the person like a normal successful ITA but the winner could get legendary item(s) and/or a good deal of money) and other things might exist.
  15. Critical Hits will be a thing. They might have the ability to nullify all of your opponent’s skills and/or other good things for you.

idk what the theme is but if there’s ITAs and sufficently balanced memery I will join.


Tbh for me it depends on how much players will be in the game, I’m not going to join any big mashes anymore.

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i think its about 24. If i can count

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Sure, I can manage 24.


/possibly interested but not definitely


Am I a nerd

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Because I’ve played both fe4 and fe5 :eyes:

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With ITAs I’ll join.


HE- fm

yes i would be interested


Yes more FE fans


have i told you the story of darth vulgardis the unwise
when he played in a fire emblem fates mash here


Oh god

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t o w n c l a i m v i g

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he randed the wolf claimvig, memed all game without doing anything substantial, and died to ITAs day 3

when questioned day 2, and later day 3, about his claim… he invented a genius claim


he was tentative about sharing the conditions with others
needless to say… it all made sense when he flipped red


Sounds like fates plot

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oh and our deepest wolf participated in an event and fucking died
then we lost
was a fun game still


ok so if we rand scum together I’m in charge of your fakeclaim