Interesting endgames

In most situations if there is only 2 people alive then either someone has a winning strategy or it’s going to draw. For example take Assassin vs Hunter starting at night (I consider this one the most interesting one). The Assassin could wait to kill and bait out a bear. If the Hunter doesn’t wolf then the Assassin can poison him. However even here it is still anyone’s game. If the assassin still doesn’t attack he might be wolfed and they both die at once. If he does attack then the Hunter might bear and win. If he does attack AND the Hunter wolves then he wins or if Hunter bears and he does nothing.

Of course if the assassin does nothing and gets wolfed the first night then he already lost because Hunter can just bear and he dies.

This same dynamic plays out with Hunter vs Poss but not with CL who can just keep trying to convert him and win no matter what.

Other scrambles like this include Knight and DK vs Reaper with 3 souls and also drunk and DK vs Reaper with 3 soul’s.

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