Invitation to Mafia Championship (Season 6) - Voting Phase II!

Mine is Roundabout on MU. hides

If no one else wants it I shall take it :slight_smile: I will just have to figure something out for the Alice game

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I vote for either FK or Orange I’m happy with either if either wanna do it.

Ici would be dees too.

Unnominate myself I’m too busy but cheers.


Obviously if memesky wants to i legit think we shld let him do it no jokes.

Just imagine.


I already denied one nomination, I’m also denying yours.

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I nominate XBlade.

I’m sorry but what

Also hi

Also what

That’s Eevee. Both Eevee and Geyde have been impersonating Jazz and Marluxion for some reason.

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Me too.

I know it’s eevee

I checked their posts because there’s an extra z

That’s an outrageous accusation. You have no proof!

Not to mention they left the FoL Moderator tag

Hey orange, it’s this day of year again.

No it’s fucking not

It’s 9:57 PM

Timezones. I never liked them anyway.

While we’re all here

Can I try and bring a few peeps in to the Mad17 game?

If they want to try it out?


wow okay now squid

Eevee made a mistake by not changing their name back immediately :^)