Invitation to Mafia Championship (Season 6) - Voting Phase II!


You impersonated pengu and now you want to be a law abiding citizen?

What if I change my pfp to memesky dog


/nominate @Hippolytus

Go out with a bang?

missed opportunity to say no u tbh

We want to give the competition a chance of winning.
Also I don’t think they have the time to do it.

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Memesky says no just as much as they say no u

Then you’d scumfirm me! /joke

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No u

Let him step down himself if he must :roll_eyes:


/nominate Hjasik : )

She is the best candidate obviously

Samesies, I’ll respectfully decline my nomination, but thank you.

I’d rather spend the time that I have actually playing/hosting on this site.

Are you up for it Litten? :eyes:

/vote Kitten, deathtunnel them out for me!

Which game did I sweep mafia again

It’s not me who’s wrong
It’s the world around me that’s wrong
And that’s why I am here to fix it

What’s your alt accounts on other sites :thinking:


PM me them and I may vote you over cat :wink:

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/nominate FK