Is there anomosity between the ToL and FoL / i42 Forums communities? If so, how can we repair the relationship?

I guarantee losing friends is very sad and painful for most people rather than relieving if you truly cared for each other.

Although if you moved eight times, perhaps you just become numb to it all. I could never relate; I have moved only twice in my life.


The first three times it was hard. Then it became normality

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I’ve definitely found myself in circumstances where ‘do X thing that will result in me largely losing contact with one or more friends, but will get me out of said circumstances’ is net positive

but in most case the circumstances were … not very good for me

It’s like… you have some deep friendships, but you know it’s temporarily. You can help each other through the dark times. And then you lose contact, you forget each other, and that’s good.

Sometimes… I feel like too old for these forums

The only kind of people I would consider friends are the kind of people that I would never want to forget.

It’s possible my definition of friendship is a lot more limiting than normal, however.

That’s a fair sentiment.
Most of us are either getting close to finishing high school or early on in undergraduate college.

Mine was the meme competition that was hosted here, my friend won and never got the tol keys lol, and then during a TOL tournament Nuc I think was like anyone willing to fill a slot in a FM and that’s how I joined Grande Idea.

Like I love Fol and the community. Havent played TOL in a good bit and only do so when like Arete or Kai ask but like it’s what really sparked my mafia addiction. I cant go back to Tol mainly for the burnout I got after 200 hours but I still love it. It was the shit for a solid 3 months. But now FM is the new shit while I wait for any new class to be added to Tol

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tell me what tol burnout is, I’ve only 1500 hours

now I get what Arete was alluding to

in which post

I didn’t mean to post this, need to delete

:man_shrugging: that sucks. Fol will still be the shit I guess then

uhhhh … you might wanna be careful, not everything what Xblade tells you in private should get into the open

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seems i successfully quickedited that out luckily, somehow.
from now on before i share anything I’ve discussed privately with xblade, I’ll ask him if it’s okay to share first. that’s a good point and thanks for bringing that up.

Making cookies wish I could send some

I mean mailing food is legal.

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But like does that work. I feel like it wouldnt