It's A Wonderful and Magical Life! [Interest Check]

so the further the RP progresses the bigger the stakes?

Figures. What does the character sign-up sheet look like? (assuming you already have one ready.

grief seed? :wink:

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sesame seed

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Sesame Street

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Also maybe meet other magic girls or some other group but that’s for later.


More players or NPC’s?

Who knows~

when start

An original cast of five is what I’m aiming for

So far there has been three

Who are you counting there?

can we set up character sheets in advance?

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You, Jammy, Nerbins

@Whammerist @Shurian You two interested

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Ima set it up soon

Actually I’ll do that after I get five players or both Shurian and Wham came up so maybe tomorrow

Sam peeks in through corner
“Hey, you guys gonna can thiiiisss?”


hell yes
@Damafaud count me very in

Silently cuddles to Dama’s side.
Ooh, a fluffy kitten!