It's A Wonderful and Magical Life! [Interest Check]

I would love to do this, I want to be a magical girl with Cthulhu powers

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its supposed to be cute tho ;(

also holy best/worst forum quotes batman

The Lord of darkness is cute

“I just love bubbles, you know?”

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okay dama lets goooo


I mean if there is interesting canning it then why not?

You gotta be the magical cat mascot

This will be what my character looks like



Holy shit Please no.

dont ruin it tho lel

I’m still using Cthulhu powers, but my girl won’t look like that, that’s just too much

Wait… by junior high, do you mean middle school age? Like 13?


I have to be very careful then 0-0

(Btw, when will we be able to submit character sheets?)

Once me and my cohost get at least the basic premise and first arc done

who’s co for this

Btw, you can make my character more mature looking if you like, I based my sketches on an actual 13 year old :confused:

(I’ll send pictures when character sheets can be created, shh)

Shuri since timezone bud

Also I prefer for the magic girl to be at least in junior high school if you want to make someone older or younger message me and we can work it out (or not if everyone want to be older)

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what happened to the CYOA thing lol