Jane's AMA thread

Uh… I think I’ve said everything I want people here to know about me.

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What is favorite fish

What do you do when you are annoyed and feel like nobody is listening to you

Hammerhead sharks.

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Leave and commence operation internal screaming.

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What’s one opinion that you actively hold distaste for

How do you think you can improve your fm play as town and as scum

That SAO is even remotely decent.

I wish I knew.

Can I change my answer to this? I thought of a great question.


What’s the question

“Who are your 5 favorite active forummers?”

“Who are your 5 favorite active forummers?”

why is katze your favorite active forumer?

Not in any particular order,


Figure out the order amongst yourselves :wink:


Im honored

If you nerds don’t do this, I’ll be dissapointed.

  1. Someone
  2. Someone else
  3. A third someone
  4. Person 4
  5. Chloe

too much effort

i assume im #3 or #4

as always, I am number 0, on a level above all of you :sunglasses:

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Oh, right, you exist.

You can replace Chleb :wink:

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