Joat9 spec chat

I’m honestly getting pissed at how poor town has been playing lately.

Maybe I should just, like…


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A slight sliver of hope, at last!

Inb4 they start tunneling Derps/Gorta now.

TBE is defo gonna get deathtunneled for this.

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my boy TBE definetly underrated


Hard agree

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It’s probably for the better, tbh.

I’m never gonna rand Noot anyway.


Since you’re mod and stuff.

Do I need to wait until this game is over to announce my departure?




I want to quit.

And people usually post this in leaving thread.

But could be angleshot so idk.

Eh i think youre fine

If you want a break you want a break

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If you want to take a break take a break

Don’t quit unless you want to quit for realzz

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Its not like this game is flipless and people will think youre scum who is upset or somethin’

No but.

They could realise they’re playing bad.

Maybe I’m just paranoid.

just say it’s unrelated to game and ure just taking a break from forum mafia

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You need to pay this site to post that you leave.

Too bad.


Derps using logic?!?


What Derps said makes no sense though?

Hypothetically if lynch today is correct and Marshal gets killed, it’s not LYLO.

Clearly what Marshal is referring to.

Oh, he was referring to nightkill.

Smh, I’m just in the mindset that he’s the best lynch objectively (and never gets nightkilled).

I’m sure he feels very safe.
