[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

I probably read half this game incorrectly, but meh

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I mean your reads were super accurate in DR

this was admittedly partially because you declared your entire wagon Mafia and 6 of the 8 people on it were in fact Mafia, but if it works it works

also LastDay is probably town

I think if they were Mafia they would ask their scumbuddies for help and their scumbuddies would give them, like, actual coherent reasons to read people a certain way rather than whatever this is that theyā€™re posting

Lastday was in a 2 man neighborhood with me. He is a neighborizer who asked me to help him solve the game so

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DR was an okay game, but it can just be chalked up to stuff like luck and such.

Sometimes mafia are doing scummy things, but town do all of those things too

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If I were Mafia and had a neighborizer I would totally consider neighborizing you but on the other hand if I did that I would not then immediately claimvig you

I openly said I donā€™t participate in neighborhoods so on that level mafia probably wouldnā€™t see the benefit of having me in one.

Although what if Lastday gets to see the characters of whoever he neighborizes. It could be the reason he chose me after I claimed poison healer, they could use that combo to killme

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Itā€™s possible they assumed that only applied to our neighborhood, since you were pretty confident it was packed with wolves


Marshal is softing Retri

would Geyde let a Retri past review :thinking:

Oh I hope so, I would love to revive but be vanilla role

If thatā€™s the death stuff itā€™s ok, but if itā€™s some medium type shit Iā€™m angry

Ret is kind of balanced if you do one of 2 things

Vanilla the person who got rezzed

Rez the person only for a limited time and then does again

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Technically he could be a scum retri to block attempts to mechanically solve but that doesnā€™t seem like the sort of thing Dat would do

or I could be misreading his softs but Iā€™m actually decent at softhunting most of the time

Leaning towards a legitimate townslip from Kyle not knowing you were dead rather than a fake townslip

Boring chat NGL

Boring game atm too

this post feels super unnatural but in a way that could be pocketing rather than W/W

sorta having second doubts on eevee

depends partially on how Kaixy flips, I guess

Bad assumption

Kai has higher WiM as town

  • than as scum, not *than here