[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

This is going to be a chain of mislynches that town might not recover from.


Numbers on the right side of your VC are incorrect

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LastDay Italy, Ginger, Lastday, 5/9

on purpose?

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fixed them my b

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if the dead want to update ita charts, thats be cool if not ill do it in an hour

I can go do that

shouldnt the majority required go down now that itā€™s only 16, or do dayvigs not decrease the amount required?

Like shouldnā€™t it be 8 required now?

If thereā€™s an even number of people, it gets rounded up

16/2 = 8. Need to be a number larger than 8 so 9

I figured youā€™d subtract one because the person being voted wouldnā€™t count. TIL i guess

self voting is a thing

Gotcha ā€¦

I kinda think that Lastday and Sulit are scum tbh. But my reads are usually bad so who knows :man_shrugging:

Ur right on both :+1:

Wait Iā€™m right on both? Seriously?


Theres two more guess two more

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or just scroll up

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Are there spoilers in dead chat?


ten characters

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Side Note: Does anyone here actually enjoy scum or am I the only one?