[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

Never know :woman_shrugging:

Those 4 wanted the HTM kill anyway. Not the only ones but recent ones

was htm wolf?

nope he wasnt

Here comes the anti-JGoes train! Choo choo

he was so town he started with the arrow

Get HTM in hurr

Did he know he had the arrow?

It was in his classcard

What does Jgoes’s arrow power do?


Being hard to hit from ITAs don’t matter if you’re hung kappa

also there was a typo I just fixed, which is it raises it by another 15% not raises it to 15%

Silver Chariot (Day): Use Silver Chariot to prevent yourself from being voted today by him Yeeting you into the sky.(1 use)

Yeeter of votes


Rip me…

Also Squid had a good point ngl, my joke post about town believing Dat was neut sounded really weird.

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Well I hope ya had fun at least :slight_smile:


Anyone here feel like claiming the last slot in FoL 25?

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It was definitely a fun game.