[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

Doesn’t show up if you search “three hours,” possibly because of the “3.”

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I hate when people twist my words without reading entirely what I have to say… I hate being twisted like this…

When are you planning on hosting Watch Your Mouth sophomore year?

When it gets reviewed, but… nobody has done so yet and I’ve got so much time before the second semester starts

Honestly its a real easy review

Yeah, it’s pretty short and sweet, almost like a mountainous game except with a few tweaks

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maybe we can @ luxy to do it

I’m ready to die five minutes into D1 because the trigger word is “wallposts”

Or Eevee. Eevee seems more available at the moment

he also reviews off site so idk

Just say wallmessage instead, ez.

Wallmessages = latchtown

Wallmessages = lockcity

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i think in the first game we did a space after after three letters in a big word

so like wal lpo st

I’m assuming that particular exploit is getting fixed somehow

Inb4 I roll whirlpool and make wallmessages the trigger.

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I h@rdcl@im t0wn

Just add a whirlpool with a grammarvig, problem fixed.

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Everybody dies D1

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cmon Zone get out of tunnel vission plz