[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

bad right now kai and italy die. Leaving it in a 2v1 between ginger, pkr, and derps

at which point Ginger usually gets lynched


What’s PKR asking about tonight?

a math problem

This doesn’t help him solve the remaining slots at all

“How many JoBro classes (specifically about classes at the start) have access to abilities or passives that either alter their chances of shooting an ITA, or of being hit by an ITA?”
^would the above work as a question?

Probably, but thats another math problem

Sure but it’s a math problem that confirms Derps’s alignment


with the number of characters alive “literally the same question PKR asked but substitute JoBros” is actually really good


Kai dying at night is still good for town.

Not if it sends them to lylo

I mean, if only 1 person died tonight, it’d be MYLO anyway.

And in f5 it’s probably Kai getting lynched always anyway, but yes, it’d still be better than going to f3 right away.

At least Kai is on the bottom of PoE.

But if PKR doesn’t realize that there is something wrong with f3 having 2 confirmed town, then yeah, it’s all hopeless.


Yeah. Nope. Town is dead.
…oddly enough, these 3 people are the ones I want dead IG.

I really hope town votes Derps but I doubt it tbh

Im gonna guess Ginger gets hung. I don’t think Town wins

Ginger gon get voted lmao
Hey I suspected Derps as well too

Are votes always locked in final 3?