[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

Omg this is pretty intense…



1 is what you say to be equivalent of adding scum

  1. Is how it’s solution is same as main thread

:man_shrugging: im indifferent to it. Like i dont see the harm, but it really hasnt changed too much imo

I agree that dead scum can direct their scum to do stuff makes a certain cult class onsolete and useless.

Well you said that I agree with you when I said that so surely you should hold that opinion

Lmao Evil just trolled PKR.

Like, I would have won a certain Triple Threat game if I had been able to direct the scum team.


Scum will win

Nope. You agreed with me, I didn’t agree with you, M’lady

I thought you ejected yourself from here.

Join the dark side @Shurian. Dew it.

I believe Htm knows of a certain Mystic game where he was converted to the cult side on N2?

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how many of you did i trick with my
bluffs of having multiple bleeds
permanently “vanilizing” players
etc etc

Am I allowed to use discobot in dead chat?

ask the magic 8 ball

I think I remember it?

What the actual fuck?!

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My moneys on pkr getting this right tbh.