[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

Kinda like planting a seed for future thoughts

Well to be honest, if I were playing town I would also be saying guess a lot

Yeah thats the thing
I cant tell XD

Never knew guessing could turn out to be a liability, thank you for telling me that

Time to be a good spectator

@DatBird Does dead interaction still exist?

God I shouldnā€™t be allowed to get any significant roles.

No, itā€™s not a liability, but more of a possibility that can be quite easily brushed off with the correct words :3

I think itā€™s cut now. Unless someone can clone me?

Gimme Pronce
Dies N1

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I still find it funny to be honest

Eevee was trying so hard and making so many hoods

My neighborhood is trying to figure out how eevee was able to have a private chat with squid last night.

Itā€™s like they didnā€™t notice we were masons/lovers and didnā€™t look at the card flips

Think about it this way, you went 1-for-1 with a Mafia member, thatā€™s a good trade for town

Dies N1 xP. And Possessed like ā€œYea I killed a mafiaā€ and dies 5 seconds later


Actually Kyle I was suspecting you because of your emphasis on neighbourhoods XD

I mean maf knew all neighborhoods. Imagine that the last one was just a maf neighborhood

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But then again its kinda natural for people to wonder
ā€œWhy the heck are there so many neighbourhoodsā€

I mean the truth is if town at least have some quality brain, they wouldnā€™t really get Marshal off the train for free

I get extremely narrow sighted on something if I think itā€™ll help at all