[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

More like, “Yeah I killed a mafia, here’s my ENTIRE role and Aretes reads”

-immediately dies-

I knew as soon as I did it and Dat stopped thread I was dead.

I feel really bad though. I wish I could’ve been a better player but a lot of stuff happened so I couldn’t be as active. I apologize for that

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Before that, I had no say, in fact, what I was doing was chuckling at everyone while doing the VCs

Dies in 12 hours
I mean, that isn’t as bad as Mist coming in and dying in 30 minutes but that’s pretty darned close

Well I say good game guys

It’s okay. Look at me, I played real bad at this game, lul.

C’mon, I am a d1 top priority mislyncher, so eh.

I think this is my second longest mafia game

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Ggwp XD
There shouldn’t be dead interaction… Unless someone wants to take a shot.

I was wondering where you were at EOD

Drink alcohol even if I am under 18

My longest is lord of the rings and I got mislynched when I was town on d4 I believe

That’s about the same lmao

Although my last replacement I was the first hang as town but it was a longer process.

Also Zone subbed for Wazza in 30 mins and got hung recently.

My longest game is BfA

And Danganronpa got canned

Oh it wasnt mist it was Zone yes

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I mean if we’re talking about fast deaths I got shot 2 hours into SoD1 in this one

And the clown fiesta I accidentally revealed my character and it all went down hill from there

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But you live and you learn so :smiley:

If Danganronpa wasnt canned I’d be super confused
Merc made neighbourhood with me, and then Luxy came in

And then Im like
2 neighbourhoods wtf

That’s the spirit! :3