[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

lol nice

10 characters

fixed (10 characters again)

Astand is definitely dying tonight


Iā€™d be more shocked if Astand lives.

Has anyone suspected SDA? I feel like he can only get caught on his associative reads.

who is sda


Sir Derps.

Zone OMGUS-shot him but at the moment everyone is clearing him because they think he killed eevee

smh claiming my kill

Ahhh. Yikes.

Well he played it well. Tunneled Marshal, claimed Eevee kill, in his town meta.

Eh, Iā€™d call tunneling Marshal more of a bad play that worked out, just like every other time when he deathtunnelled his buddies for no reason.

*note that the ā€˜worked outā€™ does not apply to every other time

Oh thatā€™s his scumtell? I assumed it was just NAI.

And it being NAI means him doing it to Marshal would read as town SDA.

Deathtunnelling people for no reason is NAI for him but as scum he specifically targets his buddies, regardless of whether it actually makes sense to bus

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I mean, I like the play if you donā€™t do it every scumgame.

Mildly interesting: all four people who installed the hit announcement, as well as everyone talking about how they wanted it to hit, were town

I think this is slightly AI as town are expecting Htm to flip scum and want ā€œcredit,ā€ while scum know that Htm is town and donā€™t want to look badScreenshot_20191224-111325

Now Iā€™m expecting one of the wolves to push one of the 4 hard here in response, likely Zone.

I donā€™t think the wolves are looking at likes