[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

lastday imma go with

2/3 correct

Who is it?

Derps, and not the person who Desperado-shot a Mafia

PKR: ‘as we all know it’s literally impossible for two townies in a mash to have similar abilities’

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pffft paying attentin before D2 is for crazies

It happened on D2

I SR’d Derps before D2 :3

And died for it

last day prolly has more text in his rolecard than some ppl have said all game lmao

Me: 0 words

Also Me: time to cry

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Town shld have this unless SDA has insane abilities lol.

derps just ita’d ici.

This guys going deep town

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can we ban PKR from making reads

to be clear my reads are also usually terrible

Were there memes and music in this dead chat?

eevee was meming while dead in main thread.

They made the announcement about themselves

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Nani LOL


im so sad i died just as i started playing :sob:

You got to start playing

I died before I could even start