[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

Same hat :^)


lel u got fucked

Someone got it worse, NinjaPenguin wasn’t even acknowledged by anyone as existing, not even by Dat when he died.


i dont like dayviges able to shoot d1 tbh.

yesterday all of my hood was alive and now 4 of us are dead lool.

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I think too many people were claiming in this game.


Anyone know when/what next mash is?

This is the first game i p much ever claimed with a claimvig in play but i thought it was worth.

turned out it wasnt.

f for jgoes.

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I think you might’ve been lightered actually

not sure

what did the lighter do?

I thought it would stop me from killing so i didnt bleed anyone yesterday or try kill anyone last night.

Im sorry everyone shot at Sulit and im like yeah, sulit

IIRC Dat said that ITAing someone was the trigger

yeah i thought that cuz derps said they had to do it at start of day to get most out of it. but i thought it applied to all kills not just itas cuz of flavor text.

ITAing unlit the lighter (who Zone currently has) and then he could kill ya

who has arrow?

Yeah thats like the biggest lesson I took from this game. I felt horrendously bad as two people died before the first lynch and I aint having that in the future

Luxy has it and has not activated it

It just makes so much sense for scum to insta kill strong town players before they can contribute at all if they can dayvig immediately yeah.

lostwolves maybe would change that.

Doppio was originally a lw that could get converted if Diavolo gets the arrow, but decided against that

Who killed Lastday, Mist again?