[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

yup with slankvig shot

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Thats bastard if Doppio didnt know that they could be converted

Actually even if they knew its bastard already and you’ll need to state conversion exists and make more paranoia in the town peeps

Yeah hence the removal

LOTR FM had unkown conversion in it tbf.


I’m not against it just as long in OP it says “Conversion may or may not exist” or something.

Btw sorry for getting frustrated in my rolecard during N1.

want me to send to Eevee from the dead?

yeah no worries

Hey he had already seen it before in the Mafia Acad Scum chat
You could send it to him again tho

This was the first time ive ever had a cop ability in a mash and I feel like i failed with it so hard lmao.

Did u no action last night not to set off the lighter?

Yeah exactly

flavor text was “dont do anything rash” so i assume it was dont try kill or hurt someone.

Oh man
I wanted to send someone my cup of piss

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it was itaing but u had no clue, so i cant blame ya for the worry. Idk no why no one questioned him on the weird choices of people he gave the lighter to

The OP of LotR said conversion might or might not exist

i was like “why tf u choose me” but i figured it was just him being bad.

They would have received this message

You have received a cup do you drink?


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Yeah 5 huge roles N1 were a problem, as I didn’t notice that Limestone had a vig.