[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

the Marshal/Marshall thing is actually super townie

I’m going to read it

wallposts = locktown

@discobot quote

@discobot roll 1d1

:game_die: 1


I wonder

I wonder who else this could apply to

“even if they were wrong” is not a slip that they were wrong my dude



this is not a natural linguistic construction

Limestone is V

This vs. DR is like night and day

Nuclear is only 4 years older than me :eyes:

Squid is a villager

She should ATE less but she’s still a villager

Why are half the players not voting

very stupid take

if Marshal gets lynched then either we lynch a wolf, or I get someone to talk to

thus I’d rather they lynch Marshal

heres ur arbitrary message to keep u able to speak

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I disagree I think it’s probably the former

/suicide bomb Marshal

it cant be suicide if ur dead

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Well see

A suicide bomb causes you and your target to be dead

So this would cause me and Marshal to be dead


Luxy could be a wolf

some of the arguments he’s been making are very similar to the ones he’s made as W before