[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

if he did 69 it would be immature

you can explain your explain your vote too

i think you are mafia.

and you spew derps’s slot for me if you are

Great youre wrong or a wolf but that’s not what I’m asking.

Why do you think I’m mafia.

Don’t work too hard on it my guy

i mean first you AtE like at the smallest hint of a push on you

Next you give like 2 reads and then the moneymaker

A vote on me with 0 progression and also intentinally avoiding giveing a reason




hedge on derps #2

weird comment to come from town tbh

this spews derps for me from you

as soon as i get wagoned you call me scum again. You are being really fucking LAMIST this game ngl

too afraid to solidify sr on me but as soon as other people do you go ahead and go full in hmm

@Nuclear_Rehab quick question: was arete’s flip talked about(as in what they flipped) in hood chat?


instead of adressing my sr instead calls themselves w

“if marshal flips scum, i am clear”

“if marshal flips town, i am clear”

“lol im locktown”

town never make this post. ever. this is a wolfypost through and through. When i flip town he’s gonna use self-meta as an arg. garunteed. lmao.

LAMIST and scumbuddy defending

uses preflips, NAI tells, also i feel kinda TMI’s me as town.


this TMI’s me as town.

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limestone just TMI’d me as town lmaoooooo

You think saying something is towny even if they’re wrong is a slip?

he know’s that im town here 100% lmao

he didn’t say “even if the points are wrong” he says “were wrong”

meaning he knows the points derps has against me are wrong.

becuase he has TMI on my slot

That’s not tmi my guy that’s called saying

This is a towny thought process

Even from your perspective in the world they are wrong it should be a towny thought process

Said player is more likely to be a villager

And I thought Limestone was doing a bit or reaction test.

I think pressuring someone before they get a chance to do anything is horrible manners and no, I dont ate as a wolf.

but it’s not even if they are wrong

ya said even if they were wrong

meaning you know said points are wrong

It says the same thing my guy

this is self meta

self meta is inheretly flawed

no clear for you

How the fuck is self meta scummy

I agree. It isn’t scummy, it is just not enough to actually say someone is town leaning just because they aren’t acting like they usually do as mafia.

Maybe if someone else pointed it out

it is inheretly flawed.

knowing your own meta means that you can replicate it.

saying “i never say banana as scum”

and then saying banana

is the worst argument because you know that you usually don’t say banana as scum and therefore can say it as scum to clear yourself.

Tl;dr: if you know your meta you can replicate it, meaning you cannot clear yourself based off of said meta

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Man some of these points are so dense I can’t fathom anyone actually thinking them as town.

What’s your theory? I learned about them flipping in wolfchat and wanted to bring it up for absolutely no reason (not like I gain towncred for asking) and then lie that it was mentioned in good chat in the very same post I made the comment I knew they had died?

That’s so verifiably idiotic that it’s almost never worth even considering. If I mentioned it as a wolf I’m going to mention it in the context I learned it.

Acting like theres even the slightest possiblity I was lying just seems like going way out of your way to try to make random shit look wolfy.