[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

Ok, I get a bit anxious if I am the only one joining. If no one was joining I was going to wait for Luxy to finish this so we can join another

uhh let me reread the cards

Can you send me a link to the game?

Please be a class clone please be a class clone


PKR is spewed town from Marshal

Boss is likely spewed town from Marshal

Derps is probably spewed town from Marshal

TL is probably spewed town from Marshal

Squid is probably spewed town from Marshal

LastDay looking kind of bad
Marshal’s readlist:
SirDerpsAlot Mafia
Marshal Town
Poisonedsquid Mafia
Luxy and Kai_5 Town
TrustworthyLiberal null
Possessed Town
Eevee Town
Boss110 Mafia
PokemonKidRyan Mafia
Lastday3312 null
Astand Town
Hippolytus null
Jgoesgaming null
Italy null
Universal Town
Hock3yforlif322 null
Nuclear_Rehab Town
supermegagirl818 null
Insanity Mafia
Memesky null
Evil Ginger Town
snoromlol null
Kyle20 Town
Loser null
Limestone Mafia
Mist1422 null
BlueStorm null
Emilia Town

He means an ability that makes scum appear town to investigative checks, not one that changes flips

There is some DI left but its really not stuff that you guys can do about it. Once Geyde gets on I’ll check to make sure hes ok with it

Can someone send me a link to the FOL game?


Htm is a wolf

HTM being arrogant, huh.


My hand slipped on mobile and I accidentally liked a post (from Emilia), I unliked it immediately but she might have noticed

Modkill her immediately for it has threatened game’s integrity

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:roll_eyes: guess I have to explain /s
No worries ill make an announcement

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Honestly why do I feel like he is acting dumb on purpose?

Trying to derpclear himself.

Monkey see, monkey do, I suppose.

I think I should attempt liking every post on the main thread for whatever useless purpose for it could serve.

NO plz dont

You can’t stop me :^)

I’m pretty sure he can but ok

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